Date 19 May 2016
Pages 268
Format cm 15 x 21
Price € 18.90
EAN 9782315007127
Publisher Website

I'm a Teenager and I'm Calling my Shrink

Publisher Max Milo
This book, meant as much for teens as it is for parents, should be read together by both, to start conversations and encourage listening.

Teens today often dare to ask for help themselves. All hail this breaking of taboos, this freedom to speak out. But careful! Confusion may still reign, for it doesn't take much to turn an adolescent life upside down. Hasty and uncertain changes to society, family, work, and culture can alter landscapes for teens and parents alike, resulting in awkwardness that can go as far as a shutdown of all communication. Adolescence is a crucial time for talking things out, and that is something we must never lose sight of. Thierry Delcourt is here to guide us, offering up concrete situations for parents and teenagers to make their way toward well-being and open exchange.