Date 10 September 1998
Pages 224
Format cm 17 x 24
Price € 22.50
EAN 9782907653503

The Five Seasons of Energy

Chinese Medicine in Everyday Life
Publisher Désiris
Category Practical Books
Delphine Gervais, Foreign Rights Manager "Chinese medicine is founded on harmony between humans and the elements. Adapted to the West, it gives us keys to a lifestyle in accordance with natural cycles."

Drawing on over 4,000 years of experience, traditional Chinese medicine gives us, above all else, the key to an art of living that stresses prevention over treatment. Necessary harmony between humans and the elements means a lifestyle in direct relationship with the natural cycles.
Written in a clear style accessible to one and all, The Five Seasons of Energy is a practical work that finds lessons in the beating heart of Chinese tradition while taking into account the demands of the modern Western world. By maintaining a perfect balance between the practical and the theoretical, the author invites us to be attentive and creative in everyday life.

  • Sales in France 50,000 copies
  • As of: September 2022