Date 08 September 2022
Pages 300
Format cm 13 x 20
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782493594037
Publisher Website

Fluid Living

When Women Emancipate Themselves from Heterosexuality
GENRE Essay - Sociology
Sophie Caillat, President "The first really comprehensive book on bisexuality. Accessible, personal, deeply researched, it opens up and enriches the conversation on sexual orientation."

Although 2 out of 3 women have felt desire for other women, female bisexuality remains a blind spot in current feminist and LGBTQ+ debates. Seen as traitors to the cause by lesbians and as dangerous by men, bisexual women are accused of not choosing sides. What if fluidity could be seen as the affirmation of a new freedom and power, fulfillment for those who find normative heterosexuality too limited? A book to help comprehensively understand the meaning of this sexual orientation, from both historical and sociological perspectives, drawing on psychoanalysis and philosophy.
To live fluidly is to free ourselves from norms and explore the full potential of our desires.