Date 26 October 2023
Pages 299
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 18.90
EAN 9782749176970
Publisher Website

From a treatise on manners for the younger generation to a new global insurrection

Publisher Le Cherche Midi
GENRE Essay - Philosophy
Keywords Capitalism
One again, Raoul Vaneigem makes his singular voice heard: a voice of human conscience crying out for an "insurrection of the heart."

This treatise on etiquette for a younger generation owes its relevance to a constant process of rewriting in which words derived from lived reality pitted their acuity against the dominant language. A revolution of everyday life is spreading, in France and around the world, a guerrilla war that takes no lives, but is determined to eradicate the machinery that destroys life itself. Women's struggle against the patriarchy has become exemplary. The individual emancipates himself from individualism. The State collapses. The exercise of power sinks into ridicule. Words stop working in order to play and discover that mutual aid is the source of the love that is constantly reborn in us and in the universe.