Date 14 February 2018
Pages 170
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 13.00
EAN 9791035201357

72 Hours

Publisher Thierry Magnier
COLLECTION Grands romans
Category Children's Books
Age YA
72 hours: that's all 17-year-old Irene has to take back her decision to give birth anonymously.

In the silence of her hospital room, she breathes deeply, her strength returning. Memories return in snatches, piecing together a story. These last few months, these last few years. The boy she met, charmed by his style, their high school, her mother, family secrets. Despite her efforts, Irène is haunted by a voice that pursues her and reminds her the baby she just expelled from her body is hers for life. Everything blurs, gets mixed up; it's chaos in her skull, and the deadline draws near. But this decision is hers alone to make, and no one else's.
This singular book recounts, without embellishment or judgment, a struggle as intimate as it is universal.

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  • As of: April 2024