Date 23 February 2001
Pages 100
Format cm 18 x 24
Price € 13.00
EAN 9782907653701


The Silence of Thought: A Method for Regulating Psychic Life Through Sensory, Motor, and Verbal Focusing
Publisher Désiris
Psycho-integration is a method of sensory and motor focusing that helps achieve psychic balance and neurovegetative harmony.

Created by Georges Pégand, psycho-integration is a method of sensory and motor focusing that helps achieve psychic balance and neurovegetative harmony.
Inspired by mystics who practiced dhikr and similar methods practiced by Christians as "Prayer of the Heart," philocalia, hesychasm, and epiclesis, Pégand discovered that monastics had achieved the best conditions for nervous system balance in and through prayer. He then developed a neurocybernetic model of human behavior and experimented with it at Bordeaux University Hospital and in a center for people with cerebral palsy.