Date 10 October 2001
Pages 220
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782702132463
Publisher Website

Maternal Savagery

Publisher Calmann-Lévy
Keywords Psychoanalysis - Horse
All mothers savagely swear to keep their children inside them forever. How are we to escape such stifling?

All mothers are savage. Savage, because they unconsciously take an oath to keep their child inside of them forever, in order to maintain unaltered the motherly connection of their own upbringing. This oath, secretly perpetuated from mothers to daughters and sons, can prove stifling and even lead to murder should difference fail to play its part in breaking the circle and the spell. To become their own person and find their own truth and desire, the child must break the oath. How can those faced with this savagery escape? How can psychoanalytical communications create new bonds for those feeling stifled? Dufourmantelle answers these questions with famous literary examples.

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  • As of: April 2024