Date 17 May 2023
Pages 286
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 22.90
EAN 9782415005313
Publisher Website

Emotional Healing

Publisher Odile Jacob
This book offers tangible answers to a universal aspiration: freeing ourselves from past wounds.

Jeanne Siaud-Facchin brings readers in closer to their emotions and innermost feelings. Psychoanalysis was wrong to make us believe that the only way to heal from past trauma was to relive it. This attitude made us victims of the past. Siaud-Facchin believes the key lies elsewhere. She argues that only emotions have an impact on our history: psychological scars that, in some cases, are still open, painful and imperfectly healed, embedded in our body's memory. Emotional healing opens the door to inner freedom.
This book, like a private session between author and reader, invites us to untangle and reconcile with ourselves, and believe in the vitality of the world to which we all belong.