Date 06 May 2021
Pages 139
Format cm 17 x 22
Price € 13.50
EAN 9782072908897
Publisher Website

Essential Oils to Smell and Experience

70 Essential Oils, 40 Blends for Diffusing, Smelling, or Vaporizing
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Category Practical Books
Keywords Aromatherapy
Learn how to use essential oils to heal your body and mind.

Of our senses, smell is the only one directly linked to the brain: it instantly activates the area responsible for emotions and memory. Smells can reactivate memories and feelings as well as impact well-being and behavior. Stimulating olfactory tracts with essential oils generates a series of effects that affect physiology, behavior, feelings, and mood. This book discusses our primary physical and emotional needs, detailing the blends of essential oils best suited to meeting them.

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  • As of: April 2024