Date 27 September 2023
Format cm 27 x 27
Price € 24.90
EAN 9782278100989
Publisher Website

Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies of Ukraine

Publisher Didier Jeunesse
COLLECTION Berceuses et comptines du monde
Category Children's Books
Keywords Ukraine - Tradition - Date
Age 0-33-6
20 nursery rhymes and lullabies to immerse readers in the musical culture of Ukraine.

This new book and CD set reveals the beauty of Ukrainian folk songs. Some songs are tied to traditions (Christmas and other seasonal celebrations) while others are non-ritualistic (historical or political themes, lullabies, finger plays, etc.), but they are always moving, whether filled with joy or sensitivity. They reflect the everyday lives of the Ukrainian people, their esthetic, and their worldview. These songs were collected from Ukrainian refugees in France, Germany, and Poland.

  • Rights Sold English
  • As of: March 2024