Date 19 April 2023
Pages 119
Format cm 23 x 30
Price € 24.90
EAN 9782380943801
Publisher Website

The Gallic Wars

Publisher Nouveau Monde
Keywords Caesar - Rome - Drawing
Espionage, subversion, political alliances, strategies, and propaganda in the service of Rome. How did Caesar and Vercingetorix, once allies, become enemies?

This free adaptation of The Gallic Wars is the fruit of a lengthy artistic collaboration between Vincent Pompetti and Tarek, both of whom love and know a great deal about Antiquity. These two creators invite readers to discover the first and second volumes of a foundational tale now collected in a single 160-page edition. Together, they tell the story of a unique moment in history that forever changed the face of the ancient world.

  • Rights Sold English (Canada)
  • As of: January 2024