Date 01 March 2023
Pages 300
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 20.50
EAN 9782702183540
Publisher Website

The Extraordinaries

Publisher Calmann-Lévy
As a child, Anna longed to be an astronaut. Then life got in the way of her dreams… But what if they could still come true?

When she was six, Anna claimed she wanted to be an astronaut. Forty years later, she is nowhere near the stars. Now a divorced doctor, she’s been living a sad life since a tragic event. But for her birthday, her friends have prepared a surprise: they have entered her in the European Space Agency’s call for astronauts. Anna wants to demur but remembers the promise she made to her youngest son, now deceased: that she’d do anything to make her dreams come true. During the selection process, she meets a small group of applicants. Anna knows that her chances are slim but, surrounded by this kind, lively and bright space-loving bunch, she can’t help but believe in the impossible.