Date 15 September 2021
Pages 81
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 12.90
EAN 9791035204662

Queen Kong

Publisher Thierry Magnier
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Keywords Freedom - Sexuality - Consent - Clans - Symbol
Age YA
A free-spirited and inspiring young girl stands up to judgments and criticism from her peers.

An unnamed teenage girl decides to explore her sexuality, disregarding others' opinions, which have greatly weighed on her. The presence of peers and their judgments are unavoidable. Her chance meeting with Ahmed proves to be a revelation: a kindly and well-meaning sexual exploration in conversation alone. So sex can be founded on mutual understanding, awareness of yourself and your partner! But soon her social group catches up to them: our heroine's been flouting their unspoken rules. Insults fly; hatred is unleashed. But her passion and intuition usher her toward new possibilities.
A short, incisive novel carried by a heroine who flies in the face of convention, no matter the price.

  • Rights Sold Danish, Basque
  • Awards Pépite d'or au Salon du livre et de la presse jeunesse de Montreuil 2021
  • As of: November 2023