Date 05 April 2023
Pages 332
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 16.90
EAN 9782812624414
Publisher Website


In the Belly of Troy
Publisher Rouergue
Category Children's Books
Age 12-15YA
A trilogy that lifts the veil on what Homer hid from us: the true causes of the Trojan Wars. From a women's point of view only!

Pallas, Athena’s other half, her milk sister, has been torn away from her by her father Zeus. The goddess of warfare refuses to accept this separation. She needs to recover the Palladium, the wooden statue in which Pallas has been locked up and which is hidden inside the walls of Troy. Athena would do anything to find Pallas, even if it means attacking the other gods of Olympus, plotting against her father, or starting two of the most famous wars in the world: the Trojan Wars.
Ongoing trilogy, 2 titles published.

  • Sales in France 10,500 copies
  • Adaptations Audiobook
  • As of: March 2024