Date 06 October 2021
Pages 318
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 15.40
EAN 9782812622717
Publisher Website

Red Night

Author Magali Wiener
Publisher Rouergue
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Keywords Society - Consent - Teenage - Rape - Healer
Age YA
A very powerful three-part novel told from different points of view: the victim, Aurélie; the defendant, Rodrigues, and his trial.

One evening, after a concert and months of waiting, Rodrigues finally makes love to Aurélie. But after that night, she stops answering his messages. When the police come to arrest him, Rodrigues doesn’t understand. Aurélie has accused him of rape! But that’s impossible... he loves her! They shared that special moment together, they both wanted it. His version of what happened, though, is quite different from hers. With the wheels of justice set in motion for Rodrigues, Aurélie tries to put herself back together and learn to live with this trauma. Magali Wiéner delivers a powerful novel on a strong theme: consent. And portrays a young girl torn between suffering and resilience.

  • Rights Sold Italian
  • Awards Prix ado 2022 de la librairie Le Silence de la mer
  • As of: November 2023