Date 24 January 2007
Pages 251
Format cm 14 x 23
Price € 19.76
EAN 9782709629072
Publisher Website

Pickles with Chocolate

Publisher JC Lattès
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Age YA
Stephanie, 13, confides to her diary her thoughts on the world, loneliness, grownups, and her odd love of pickles with chocolate.

In 1983, Philippe Labro published this novel under a pseudonym, preferring to let it speak for itself. Inspired by someone very close to him, the book was passed off as the diary of young schoolgirl named Stéphanie. But now readers have a better sense of his oeuvre as a whole and the importance of this work in relation to Manuela and Franz and Clara, forming a kind of teenage trilogy about first love from a female point of view, Philippe Labro has emerged from behind his pen name for this re-issue of a work dear to his heart.