Date 12 May 2022
Pages 396
Format cm 15 x 23
Price € 16.95
EAN 9782375543214
Publisher Website

The Still Realms

The Faceless Princess
Author Ariel Holzl
Publisher Slalom
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Age YA
A high-flying fantasy novel in the dark and mysterious world of the Fey.

In the Still Realms, four monarchs rule over all existence. But the Autumn Throne, empty too long, threatens this balance of power. Someone must be crowned. Seven women will vie to rule, but the competition will be merciless. Ivy is in the running despite herself. At 18, she spends her days hiding in her manor, behind her mask. She is a "To Die For": whoever glimpses her face succumbs to murderous or suicidal madness. Put forward by the Fey nobility, she finds herself deep in machinations far beyond her and must draw on her every resource to survive. Her path will take her farther than she ever could have imagined.

  • Sales in France 17,400 copies
  • Rights Sold Germany
  • Adaptations Paperback (France)
  • As of: November 2023