Date 05 April 2023
Pages 427
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782017160304
Publisher Website

Lightning Hunters

The Missing Captain
Publisher Hachette Romans
Category Children's Books
Age 12-15YA
An adventure series set in a fantasy world where oceans are replaced by clouds, with engaging characters and addictive writing!

The Lightning Hunters have reigned over the world of Astarania ever since the oceans mysteriously disappeared, replaced by a sea of clouds. Admired protectors, they watch over the skies and maintain the risky lightning trade. Alrick's world is turned upside down the day his father, a lightning hunter, fails to return home. Convinced that something bad has happened to him, the teenager embarks on a flying ship with his griffin Dracks and soon discovers other worrisome disappearances... Between storms, betrayals, and being captured, will he find out the truth about what happened to his father? Will Alrick unmask those who have dared to attack the Brotherhood of the Lightning Hunters?

  • Sales in France 7,000 copies (for the first two books)
  • Rights Sold In negotiation in Russia
  • As of: November 2023