Date 18 October 2022
Pages 142
Format cm 24 x 29
Price € 39.00
EAN 9782889584918
Publisher Website

Super Natural Tales

Tricks and Schemes in Plants and Insect Partnerships
Category Practical Books
Keywords Plants - Insects
Benoît Richard, Editorial Director
"Twenty incredible stories of cooperation, manipulation, and rivalry between little critters and plants, thrillingly told and illustrated with magnificent photos."

From a bug that uses an aquatic plant as a diving bell to live underwater to a pathogenic mushroom that enchants its plant ost into putting out fake flowers to lure pollinators, this handsome tome delivers 20 mind-blowing tales revealing the extraordinary array of interactions plants and invetebrates engage in to live and survive. Professor and doctor of ecological chemistry Gregory Roeder is a modern-day explorer expanding the frontiers of science through his research, and publishes regularly in such major scientific journals as Science and Nature. A pulse-pounding journey magnificently illustrated by Stéphane Hette's photos.

  • Sales in France 2,600 copies
  • As of: September 2023