Date 30 August 2023
Pages 171
Format cm 24 x 30
Price € 29.00
EAN 9791040400622
Publisher Website

Franco-German Conflicts: Infographics

Publisher Passés composés
GENRE History
Barbara Edun, Foreign Rights Manager "A brand new approach! Infographics put to a vast subject dear to French hearts: skirmishes with Germany, 75 years of national rivalry."

3 wars, 2 World Wars, 75 years of rivalry, tens of millions of casulaties, and 80 years of peace in continental Europe: the Museum of War and Peace in the Ardennes is the only place that clearly illustrates and helps visitors understand this chain of consequences. Marie-France Devouge and Stéphane André teamed up with Julien Peltier to devise infographics for these 75 years of history: maps; silhouettes of soldiers and military equipment; economic, demographic, and cultural data. Peltier's vivid, playful infographics bring all this to life, providing a thorough overview of French and German society. Accompanying them are historical facts and anecdotes, accessible to all ages.