Date 17 March 2023
Pages 32
Format cm 20 x 27
Price € 15.00
EAN 9782382800270
Publisher Website

Otto, the Refrigerator Snail

Publisher Kilowatt
Category Children's Books
Galia Tapiero, Editorial Director
"Independence, freedom, and a big dose of humor!"

Theis is the story of a snail Anna saves by hiding in a fridge when her father is cleaning the house. She sets him free outside, but that's the beginning of a nightmare for Otto... Until he finds an abandoned fridge in a dump to take refuge in! The writing with its comedic cadences only enhances the humorous situations depicted in equally offbeat illustrations, which make a point of highlighting every character's perspective and their joys. This picture book interrogates the notion of happiness, which is specific to each individual, as well as our life habits and our differences. What if we each had our own definition of happiness?