Date 20 August 2020
Pages 544
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782956387978
Publisher Website

Nix Olympica

Publisher Lucca
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Age YA
This epistolary novel, enhanced by its graphic format, illustrations, and up-to-date scientific content, envisions the first manned journey to Mars.

August 27th, 2037: just a few hours until the Mars 2038 mission launch! The whole world is excited. Five astronauts were chosen for the first manned flight towards the red planet. The French astronaut keeps a secret log which reveals that Mars 2038 is not the idealized pioneer mission it's been made out to be in the media. Astronaut endangerment, espionage, corruption—her log, along with NASA's archives, reveals the truth surrounding the lives of astronauts aboard the ship and deals with the reaction of the people of Earth during the mission.