Date 06 April 2022
Pages 65
Format cm 21 x 31
Price € 17.00
EAN 9782812623066
Publisher Website

The Invention of Sunday

Publisher Rouergue
COLLECTION Album jeunesse
Category Children's Books
Age 3-66-9
Sailors decide when to stop working and let twelve hours of rest flow by like a long nap. They call it… Sunday!

This picture book takes readers on a journey with sailors on a boat. Discover the wonder and beauty of the open sea, their anecdotes and habits, as well as their moments of boredom, silence, repetitive tasks and days spent waiting…
When sailing long distances, you lose track of time. So, the sailors randomly declare a rest day, calling it Sunday.
The Invention of Sunday, a picture book about a voyage at sea and the passage of time, takes the form of a logbook. The crossing lasts from the cover to the final page, inviting readers aboard beautiful vessel with poetic words and large illustrations.