Date 13 March 2013
Pages 72
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 9.50
EAN 9782812604911
Publisher Website

When I Grow Up, I Will Be Me

Author Martin Page
Publisher Rouergue
COLLECTION Roman jeunesse
Category Children's Books
GENRE Young Adult
Age 12-15
Parents are weird! Selena's have suddenly decided that she will be an artist.

How do you stand up to parents who want you to become an artist, when all you want is to know who you are, deep down, like any other schoolgirl in the 21st century? And why not become a doctor or a lawyer, if that's what calls to you? A humorous, whimsical fable by Martin Page about the pressure parents bring to bear on a young schoolgirl. And how the daughter, wiser than her parents, simply wishes to "become herself."

  • Sales in France 7,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Germany
  • As of: August 2023