Date 19 May 2021
Pages 392
Format cm 14 x 23
Price € 19.95
EAN 9782344047712
Publisher Website

The Volcanoes' Demons

Publisher Glénat
A sweeping tale of volcanologists Maurice and Katia Krafft, privileged witnesses to our planet's conflagrations.

Freedom, curiosity, creativity, legacy, and above all passion—these are the preeminent qualities of the story of Maurice and Katia Krafft, a volcanologist couple who vanished in the hot wind of a nuée ardente in Japan in 1991. For over twenty-five years, they witnessed more than 175 eruptions, traveling to study most of the world's great volcanic zones. They were key players in helping peoples and governments reduce volcanic risks.
André Demaison, a former associate and friend, delivers a tribute to the Kraffts, whom he knew and accompanied on adventures, in this nonfiction work devotied to their extraordinary expeditions.