Date 17 January 2020
Pages 293
Format cm 13 x 19
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782369560852
Publisher Website

Fallow Seasons

Author Sonia Ristić
Publisher Intervalles
A major novel about the world of artists' squats.

Fallow Seasons plunges readers into a charming chaos where adventure is communal and humans are the measure of all things.
Sonia Ristić has drawn on her own memories for the plot of this novel about an artists' collectif torn among the countless contradictions that characterize daily life in many squats. We also encounter questions that run through today's French society as a whole, exploring them with neither naïveté nor resignation. For life in the squats is lived more intensely than elsewhere. This activist energy, joyful and possessed of unusual vigor, comess off this tumultuous yet tender novel in waves.