Date 29 September 2021
Pages 64
Format cm 17 x 24
Price € 10.00
EAN 9782344049648
Publisher Website

Cool / Not Cool

A Kids' Guide to Gender Equality
Publisher Glénat
Category Children's Books
No matter your gender, life is better when we all respect each other!

The stories in this short guide all feature ordinary children: pretty, ugly, nice, mean—in short, just kids. Like all kids, they have preconceptions and don't even know about it.
Just as in life, our young heroes act out or fall victims to prejudice. But only when confronted with such role reversals and changes of perspective are they able to realize what respect for others means, and change. Girl or boy, big or small — what you're born as doesn't determine who you'll be. In short, "respect is cool."
Gender equality begins at a young age. This book helps kids ages 4 & up to ask questions, develop critical faculties, deconstruct sexist stereotypes, and be open to difference.