Date 26 April 2019
Pages 87
Format cm 14 x 20
Price € 10.00
EAN 9782803672721
Publisher Website

The Little Book of Knowledge

Homo Sapiens
Publisher Le Lombard
SERIES The Little Book of Knowledge
Age All Ages
Homo Sapiens: that's us! We've been around for a long time, because 200,000 years is a lot. But in the end, do we really know who we are?

These pocket-sized hardcover educational books tackle subjects as varied as artificial intelligence, sharks, heavy metal, and the history of prostitution. Each volume in the series is written and drawn by a different writer-artist pair. Internationally renowned experts in the fields work with comics luminaries, a unique alchemy that results in unpredictably stunning work every time!

  • Sales in France 18,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Chinese, Czech, English, German, Greek, Italian, Korean, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Russian, Spanish (Latin America and Spain), Turkish
  • As of: March 2023