Date 04 September 2019
Pages 244
Format cm 14 x 22
Price € 19.00
EAN 9782213712796
Publisher Website

Ada, or the Beauty of Numbers

Lovelace, Computing Pioneer
Publisher Fayard
GENRE History
Keywords Women - Biography - Air - Suburb - Philosophy
The biography of a forgotten scientist, the mother of computing, and a pioneer whose genius and audacity shaped the world as we know it today.

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace and daughter of the poet Lord Byron, was an English aristocrat trapped in the confines of a 19th century that had yet to embrace modernity. Yet it was this same sickly young woman, squeezed into a corset and caught between a cumbersome husband and an abusive mother, who developed the world’s first computer program. If not for her pioneering work with numbers, there would be no computers, no Internet, and no space exploration.
Catherine Dufour gives us a fascinating biography of Ada Lovelace, exploring the little-known destiny of a female scientist whose genius and determination invented the world as we know it today.