Date 13 April 2022
Pages 62
Format cm 13 x 19
Price € 6.90
EAN 9791036341991
Publisher Website

Heart Breakdown

Publisher Bayard Jeunesse
COLLECTION J'aime lire Max
Category Children's Books
Keywords Teachers - Romance - Fable
Age 9-12
Audrey, a teacher, dreams of true love in the village of Grateloup. A tale full of humor and sensitivity, about illiteracy and trusting others.

In small a village, a young teacher living far from her family and friends feels depressed as she struggles to teach her 4th grade class. Her house is a mess, just like her. Her students know she’s sad, but don’t know how to help. But one day, she meets a gruff handyman, Serge, with a big secret: he doesn’t know how to read. So, he does work on Audrey’s house, and she teaches him how to read. They fall in love. Audrey rediscovers a taste for life and her love of teaching. And just like in a fairy tale, all ends well with a beautiful wedding which, of course, her 4th graders are all invited to!