Date 03 September 2020
Pages 383
Format cm 12 x 18
Price € 10.50
EAN 9791021045675
Publisher Website

Women and Sex in Ancient Rome

Publisher Tallandier
Keywords Sexuality - Antiquity - Job - Spain - Elderly
What was sexuality like in the daily lives of Ancient Roman women?

Which pratices were permitted, and for whom? Were such major female figures of the Empire as Messalina or Agrippina the Younger remotely representative of the daily lives of the average Roman woman? Were the Romans debauched and ready for any transgression in the name of pleasure, or did they pave the way for the norms that ruled Western sexuality for centuries?
Virginie Girod shows how women were categorized, and how their social status framed their sexual lives. Deploying considerable research, Virginie Girod sheds new light on the conditions of women in ancient Rome.