Date 14 March 2019
Pages 430
Format cm 11 x 18
Price € 10.50
EAN 9782710390251
Publisher Website

Nothing But Love

Author Lucien Becker
Publisher La Table Ronde
GENRE Poetry
Keywords Woman - Romance - Fidelity - Job
The collected poems of a poet utterly devoted to love.

A rare breed of poet, Lucien Becker and his unique voice were hailed by Albert Camus, Jean Paulhan, Joë Bousquet, René Guy Cadou, and René Char. Ever on the margins of literary life and its movements, he penned an impassioned body of work about his wife's body, his only defense against nothingness.
A member of the French Resistance, he never stopped resisting poetry and its proximate illusions. At age 50, he and his lifelong companion withdrew from the world into silence, serenely awaiting death, which held no surprises. Although never in style, Becker never goes out of style. He speaks of carnal love as no one else.