Date 24 November 2022
Pages 26
Format cm 25 x 33
Price € 15.00
EAN 9782490253487
Publisher Website

From the Depths of Class

Publisher L'Étagère du bas
Category Children's Books
Age 6-99-12
A meeting between two schoolchildren separated by something as vast as the sea: a classroom!

Back-of-the-Classroom doesn't like school. He feels different from the rest of his classmates, and is bored. But one day, a new student shows up, sitting right at the front. Her name is Jessica. There's entire classroom between them! Back-of-the-class has no choice. If he wants to meet her, he's going to have to go up to the chalkboard and conjugate verbs as their teacher has requested. But will he find the courage? A picture book with a powerful theme: how a lonely child can integrate with the rest of his class. Sébastien Joanniez's writing is punctuated by wordplay and moments of poetry. Pauline Kerleroux's of-the-moment illustrations are alive with color.