Date 15 September 2022
Format cm 17 x 21
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782416007415
Publisher Website

Let Love Bloom Around You

Reconnect with Yourself and Find Your Inner Flame
Author Chloé Bloom
Publisher Eyrolles
Category Practical Books
Sow low wherever you go, and you will reap love. It's the journey that counts, not the destination.

"You are already a beautiful person. All you have to do now is realize that." In this luminous, inspiring book, Chloé Bloom shares her kindest wisdoms about love and hope. Through prompts for self-reflection, tips, and personal anecdotes, she invites readers to set out on their own inner journeys in search of themselves, to reconnect with their authenticity. Travel with her on the tides of her powerful writing and learn to love yourself fully, just as you are; to be at peace with your deepest being and more in harmony with your decisions, choices, needs, and relationships... for this is the gift that awaits you at your journey's end.

  • Sales in France 7,000 copies
  • As of: February 2023