Date 09 January 2002
Pages 234
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 17.10
EAN 9782710324553
Publisher Website

A Bridge on the Loire

Publisher La Table Ronde
Keywords War - Literature - Peak oil - Space - Eelderly
Love in wartime.

June, 1940: the Wehrmacht descends upon France, sending civilians and soldiers running. Near Orléans, a handful of volunteers ready a desperate resistance.
Among these men is the NCO Henri Dragance, a writer and former antifascist fighter in the Spanish Civil War. Despite his cynical airs and bohemian lifestyle, he is, underneath it all, a fragile, vulnerable man. On the final barricade across the southern routes, he meets one of his biggest fans: Sylvie, a young woman unhappy with her stifling middle-class life. It's love at first sight for two people who seem to have nothing in common.

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