Date 15 January 2016
Pages 107
Format cm 13 x 20
Price € 12.50
EAN 9791092763072
Publisher Website

I Am Chocolat!

Category Children's Books
A novel about the extraordinary live of Chocolat, the first clown of color in Europe.

My name is Rafael. I was born on the island of Cuba, the son of escaped slaves. When I was a child, I lived with Old Jaba in Havana. But one day, she sold me to a Spanish merchant. To comfort me, she told me that there were no slaves in Europe; I'd be free there. And off I sailed on a ship for the Old World.
Onboard, I met my seagull, Habana. She was hurt, so I cared for her. Soon she became my faithful companion on every adventure. I, the son of slaves, the child people pointed at laughingly, would become the first performer of color to become famous, the toast of all Paris!