Date 18 August 2016
Pages 115
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 13.50
EAN 9782864328889
Publisher Website

Death, Cinema, and the Islamic State

Publisher Verdier
Keywords Cinema - Propaganda - Media - Daesh - Game
The Islamic State appropriates and uses cinematographic means and forms used in the West and, in so doing, stays close to us.

The Islamic State films the deaths of those it tortures. Snuff films? The Islamic State makes them, systematically deploying the most spectacular visual effects, mimicking Hollywood action movies. In fact, Daesh has a production studio at its disposal and complete mastery of digital technologies. Its films are constantly broadcast worldwide in censored and uncensored versions. The "enemy of the West" uses Western tools. Not only does it buy, sell, exploit, speculate, and enslave, but it outdoes us in actualizing a macabre, unnatural bond between film and death. I wanted to understand this uniquely contemporary aberration.