Date 02 September 2021
Pages 191
Format cm 19 x 25
Price € 22.00
EAN 9791030103847
Publisher Website

The Practical Bike Handbook

Own, Repair, Maintain
Publisher Tana
Category Practical Books
GENRE Sports/Games
Learn enough about your bike to be a truly self-sufficient, independent owner.

A guide for curious cyclists who want to know their bikes inside and out. Everything you need to know about owning, maintaining, and repairing your bicycle. For beginners as well as experienced riders. At a time when we're all trying to reduce our carbon footprint, cycling seems to be the obvious solution. In this book, Laurent Belando will give you his tips on selecting, purchasing, maintaining, repairing, and adapting your bike. Know your bike by heart, and become truly self-sufficient!

  • Rights Sold Canada, Germany
  • As of: November 2022