Date 06 November 2020
Pages 36
Format cm 23 x 32
Price € 14.90
EAN 9782368562482
Publisher Website

The Treasure of Z the Terrible

Publisher Amaterra
COLLECTION Choisis la suite de l'aventure
Category Children's Books
Keywords Treasure - Soccer - Ballerina - Epic
Age 3-6
Several adventures await, depending on the reader's choices.

Set course for adventure with the The Treasure of Z the Terrible! A mysterious treasure awaits little pirates Mary and Jack on the island of parrots. But the journey there is fraught with perils: a storm, a giant octopus, mermaids... The crossing is a dangerous one indeed!

  • Sales in France 4,200 copies
  • Rights Sold Poland, Italy, Spain, Belgium, China
  • As of: November 2022