Date 23 September 2021
Pages 219
Format cm 16 x 23
Price € 18.90
EAN 9791030103793
Publisher Website

Inhabiting Your Uterus

In the Heart of Emotional Gynecology
Author Maud Renard
Publisher Tana
Category Practical Books
Élodie Gachot, Rights Executive "The uterus is a second heart with its own pulse, reacting to our fears and pleasures. I enjoyed this new approach through an emotional prism."

Through a symbolic understanding of our organs, this book offers a new way to see the gynecological sphere based on the feelings inhabiting the body. From traditional Chinese medicine to Western biological science, many therapists agree that an emotion or a significant event can be the cause of an illness. Based on this principle, each organ of the gynecological sphere, but also each hormone and each part of the menstrual cycle, have a meaning unto themselves. The book explains the emotional conflicts that can give rise to gynecological imbalances. It is part of a journey to reclaim our bodies and emotions in order to discover a new way of understanding ourselves.

  • Rights Sold German, Dutch
  • As of: September 2022