Date 18 March 2020
Pages 26
Format cm 23 x 18
Price € 10.90
EAN 9782278097906
Publisher Website

Barnaby Goes To The End Of The World

Publisher Didier Jeunesse
SERIES Barnabé
Category Children's Books
Age 0-3
The irresistibly enthusiastic trio is back! The ingredients of success?: terribly compelling animal trio, vivid illustrations, humor, solidarity, and naïve adventures that can be read on a number of levels.

Barnaby is a badger. And a badger is not a doctor. But one morning, the radio announces that the planet is ill. Determined, Barnaby steps out of his underground borrow and hurries up to join his friends Constance the turtle and Claire the mole. Hopopop! Emergency, let them pass by. Hopopop! They are going to nurse the planet back to health.

  • Sales in France 20,000 copies
  • Rights Sold German, English, Basque, Catalan, Simplified Chinese, Italian, Russian
  • As of: June 2022