Date 28 May 2020
Pages 249
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 18.90
EAN 9791030103205
Publisher Website

Staying Green Without the Blues

Publisher Tana
Category Practical Books
Eco-distress, solastalgia, climate anxiety…

Where does our modern depression come from? How can we live happily when we are told over and over again that the end times are near? This chronicle of eco-depressed people surveys our ever-changing era, profiles people who study global warming without necessarily falling into despair, and travels through different territories looking for eco-friendly actions we can take. The result is a joyful guide through our current state. These testimonies and research results are about jolting us back to life when life is endangered and walking us through the different stages of mourning: overcoming shock, accepting that collapse is not inevitable, and finally, taking action and changing our society.

  • Rights Sold Korean
  • Awards Prix du livre engagé pour la planète dans la catégorie essai de Mouans Sartoux
  • As of: June 2022