Date 27 January 2022
Pages 320
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 14.95
EAN 9782092595718
Publisher Website

Green Traffic

Publisher Nathan
COLLECTION Roman grand format
SERIES The Blackbone Collective
Category Children's Books
Age 12-15YA
What if the young generation changed the world? Blackbone is a thriller series that tackles important issues head-on, raising our awareness of them.

Marie, a journalism major, cofounded the Blackbone collective last year with an Italian reporter and Leo, a hacker her age. Together, the three foiled Luca Snyder's scheme to sell a "green" phone whose materials were in fact inequitably extracted from African mines. Next , Blackbone investigated the fast fashion industry, especially in Vietnam. In Green Traffic, Marie studies abroad in Brazil, where she meets Céya, a native whose family is threatened by deforestation, and Joaquin, the son of rich land owners. Unbeknownst to her, Marie has landed right in the middle of a political plot orchestrated by Luca Snyder.