Date 08 April 2021
Pages 79
Format cm 19 x 26
Price € 14.90
EAN 9782844152633
Publisher Website

Drawing Cats and Other Felines

From Black and White to Color
Author Wim Verhelst
Publisher Ulisse
Category Practical Books
Keywords Drawing - Big cats - How-to - Sex
Age Adults
Learn how to draw all kinds of felines, from first sketches to final touches!

From a kitten curled up in a ball to a lion basking in the sun, felines are endless sources of inspiration. Successfully capturing their agile figures and silky coats is a challenge, but this book will teach ways to create lifelike renditions of their grace and beauty. Avid cat-lovers and artists will find: a step-by-step method from initial sketching to adding finishing colors; a wide variety of felines presented in different postures and from different angles; many artistic tips, from anatomical details to creating movement and drawing from life or a photograph; a variety of artistic techniques and mediums such as charcoal, graphite pencil, felt-tip pen, India ink, watercolor, etc.