Date 09 March 2022
Pages 272
Format cm 15 x 22
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782379312458
Publisher Website

The Private Lives of Octopi

Publisher Humensciences
COLLECTION Nature et savoir
Imagine an alien living on earth--or rather, underwater: the octopus!

Embark on a voyage of discovery into the world of these fascinating animals and their cephalopod cousins. Researcher Ludovic Dickel has been drawn to octopi since he was a child, and is now a top authority on the subject. Readers will cross paths with Jules Verne, Jacques Cousteau, and giant octopi in this book, bursting with anecdotes, delightful illustrations, and the latest scientific findings about animal intelligence, consciousness, the capacity to feel pain, and the perception of death. After this close encounter with an intelligence not our own, you'll never look at these lords of the ocean depths the same way again.