Date 13 April 2022
Pages 32
Format cm 26 x 26
Price € 13.50
EAN 9782278121373
Publisher Website

The Terrible Gray Wolf

Publisher Didier Jeunesse
SERIES Gray Wolf
Category Children's Books
Age 3-66-9
The return of the phenomenal duo Gilles Bizouerne & Ronan Badel and their antihero Gray Wolf, starving as usual!

It was hot this morning. Very hot. Gray Wolf doesn't feel like doing anything, just lounging around... that is, until he gets an idea. He hides by the river, lying in wait to ambush thirsty animals. But the terrible Gray Wolf is easily fooled by his prey. Vole, Deer, and Fox take turns tricking Gray Wolf, taking advantage of his naivete.

  • Sales in France 200,000 copies
  • Rights Sold Catalan, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Spanish, Italian, Romanian, Ukranian
  • As of: May 2022