Date 15 May 2019
Pages 102
Format cm 19 x 27
Price € 18.00
EAN 9782203196773
Publisher Website

The Wolf

Publisher Casterman
Age All Ages
After Altitude, Rochette questions humankind's place in relation to the animal kingdom.

In the heart of the Écrins mountains, a white wolf and a shepherd exhaust themselves fighting each other before making a pact and finding a way to live together. Once again, Rochette celebrates the high mountains: their beauty and violence, and the commitment and humility it takes to survive there. He also tries, through fiction, to find a way out of the irreducible conflict between two points of view, both eminently justifiable: shepherds who want to protect the lives of their flocks and rangers trying to save endangered species.

  • Sales in France 70,000 copies
  • Rights Sold South Korea, Denmark, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Spain (Catalan), Poland, Italy, Germany
  • Awards Prix Wolinski de la BD du Point 2019
  • As of: May 2022