Date 02 March 2017
Pages 297
Format cm 15 x 21
Price € 22.00
EAN 9782021182958
Publisher Website

Animal Biographies

Lives Recovered
Author Éric Baratay
Publisher Seuil
COLLECTION L’Univers historique
GENRE History
An original book that pushes the boundaries of writing history and echoes growing concerns about the conditions in which animals live.

In this book, Éric Baratay sets forth the first attempts at animal biographies – accounts or fragments of lives – built upon what animals feel, perceive, or experience. Drawing on written sources, films and still photos, and his knowledge of ethology and the environment, he pushes the boundaries of what it means to write history, putting himself on the animal’s side.

  • Rights Sold English (world)
  • As of: May 2022