Date 13 January 2022
Pages 480
Format cm 14 x 21
Price € 19.90
EAN 9782265155244

A Chilling Refrain

Publisher Fleuve
Age Adults
A pair of investigators will finally make sure children are listened to… even if their voices were never heard.

A couple is renovating a newly-bought house when one night, the husband finds three corpses in the wall: children! Chief Inspector Virginie Sevran is in charge of this saddening and horrifying investigation, which will lead her and her partner Biolet to investigate broken families in tough situations and take them deep into the intricate bureaucracy of the child welfare service. At the same time, the two detectives have to make time for their own families: Biolet’s wife is giving birth to a baby boy two years after they suffered a stillbirth, and Sevran’s husband and eight-year-old daughter want to spend more time with her.
One thing's for sure: nothing will ever be the same again…