Date 28 October 2021
Format cm 17 x 24
Price € 22.00
EAN 9791030103786
Publisher Website


Publisher Tana
COLLECTION Nouveaux récits
Age All Ages
An illustrated philosophical fiction that blends story and theory in a presentation of the richness of the ecofeminist movement.

In a dystopian yet familiar world, seven characters are doing their best to survive. One of them, Lila, lands in a dreamlike place, home to the Re/Sisters: a community that has broken away from the "patriarchal-capitalist" system, inspired instead by ecofeminist ideals to reinvent and regenerate the world. Part coming-of-age story, part novel of ideas, this polyphonic work is an introduction to ecofeminism.

  • Sales in France 6,000 copies
  • As of: April 2022